Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Surgery #1 with Dr. Dulemba, oopherectomy, adhesion release and endo excision.

My first surgery with Dr. Dulemba was 2/23/18 at Medical City in Denton TX.

I had to be at the hospital to check in for surgery at 6 am.  It was again, pouring rain and an intense lighting storm. We thought we were going to get struck on the way from the car to the hospital.

Check in went fast and they brought me back to get ready for surgery.  I was definitely a bundle of nerves.  Got into my snazzy gown and the wonderful OR prep nurse got the IV in the first try (they have issues with my veins usually).  I got scrubbed, prepped and shaved. The anesthesiology team came in and we discussed my nausea after surgery. They would make sure I had zofran after surgery.  We went over everything, signed paperwork etc. They were also very nice. Several others were in and out with paperwork, checking my vitals, checking my blood sugar. Dr. Dulemba came in and talked with us.  He was very reassuring.  They put the happy juice in my IV and I don't remember anything else until I woke up.

The first thing I remember feeling is the catheter, I really don't like them. And being wheeled out of recover into my room, I wasn't really awake yet.

Then I feebly yelled, I am going to be sick. Thankfully they got me a container in time, but that is not fun right after surgery. They got me zofran.  I had some pain, it wasn't horrible though.  I was really out of it and once I stopped puking and pushed my morphine button a few times I was out.  I remember briefly talking to my mom, who said my surgery was about 3 hours and that she would come back later and let me rest.  Once I had a good sleep I woke up, feeling quite amazing.  I texted my mom saying I am feeling perky.  I am sure the morphine pump had something to do with that ;)  But really I felt great. 

Dr. Dulemba has a very specific routine for his patients. Everyone stays the night. Pain control is big. Catheter stays in until morning.  Rest is important.  I also had the on-que pain pump which is crazy but amazing.  My room was amazing, single room, very very quiet and spacious.  My nurses were also amazing. They checked me at midnight and 4 am. And were quick to respond if I used the call button.  I did have an issue with the catheter not wanting to drain, but they moved the hose around and it started draining again.

Oh, you probably want to know what he found.  Severe adhesions, when he first went in he couldn't even identify any anatomy they were so bad.  The mass in question that was in debate about what it was???  It was a mass of endo around my round ligament where it goes into the inguinal canal. There was clearly no hernia. My round ligaments also had adhesions and were stuck to the ovaries and bowels which were also stuck to my vaginal cuff. There was a spot on my sigmoid colon and the right pelvic wall that he also removed that looked like endo. Ovaries were both removed, there was no saving them they had been completely taken over by adhesions.  Dr. Dulemba was horrified at what all was going on and that nobody had believed how much pain I had to be in with all that going on.

Yes! I felt vindicated, yet again. I was not crazy, it was not all in my head!

The next morning they took me off the morphine pump and removed the catheter. I got to eat actual food. I must say the hospitals food could use some improvement, but it wasn't horrible.  I was able to get up and go to the bathroom and do some walking. Dr. Dulemba came in early afternoon to visit with me and discharge me.  He is an amazing surgeon.  I was definitely feeling so much better already!  He felt that Dr. Arrington had done a great job with my first surgery and that the endo removed was new not missed.

The on-que pain pump stayed in until Sunday, surgery was Friday.  Then I had to removed the tubing through the small hole just above my pubic bone. That was a weird experience, but I managed to do it without freaking out too bad ;) 

Sunday evening I was feeling good enough to have lunch with my cousin Pete and his wife Nikki who live nearby. 

My followup was on Tuesday morning and my second look surgery was scheduled for Wednesday.  I will write another post about that soon.

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